Important Notice for readers

Linguistic maps and commentaries included in Ray Iwata ed. INTERPRETATIVE MAPS of CHINESE DIALECTS are open to the public.

The original paper version volume was published in 2009 by Hakuteisha Press, Inc., Tokyo, Japan. The copyrights is reserved by the publisher, editor, and all authors of this volume. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form for commercial purposes.

In addition to the preface, introduction and references, the original volume comprises maps and commentaries corresponding to 49 lexical items, each of which is authored by one or two authors.

Researchers who wish to download and use any specific map and/or commentary for academic purposes are required to specify the following information in their papers or presentations:

(1) Author's name, which is indicated at the head part of every map and its commentary.

(2) Bibliographic information of the original volume, i.e. Ray Iwata ed. INTERPRETATIVE MAPS of CHINESE DIALECTS, 2009, Hakuteisha Press, Tokyo, Japan.

Any data processing is prohibited in reprinting the original maps.






第一, 每幅地图及解说的作者姓名。

第二, 原书的编者、书名、出版时间和出版社,即"岩田礼编《汉语方言解释地图》,2009年,白帝社,日本东京"。


前言、绪论 / Preface, Introduction



Preface (English)


绪论 (中文)

绪论 中文版.pdf

Introduction (English)

Introduction English version.pdf

地图与解说 / Maps and Commentaries

条目名 / List of Items

自然 / Nature
地图1 / Map 1 太阳 / Sun
地图2 / Map 2 月亮 / Moon
地图3 / Map 3 冰雹 / Hail
时间 / Time
地图4 / Map 4 早上 / Morning
地图5 / Map 5 晚上和夜里 / Evening and Night
地图6 / Map 6 今天 / Today
地图7 / Map 7 明天 / Tomorrow
地图8 / Map 8 早上义语词的所指 / Referents of the forms meaning "morning"
地图9 / Map 9 昨天 / Yesterday
地图10 / Map 10 夜义语词的所指 / Referents of the forms meaning "night"
地图11 / Map 11 后天/ The day after tomorrow
地图12 / Map 12 大后天 / Three days from now
地图13 / Map 13 前天 / The day before yesterday
地图14 / Map 14 大前天 / Three days ago
地图15 / Map 15 "天"和"个" / "-tian"(sky) and the suffix "-ge"
动物、昆虫 / Animals and Insects
图16 / Map 16 喜鹊 / Pica pica
地图17 / Map 17 蜗牛 / Snail
地图18 / Map 18 蝴蝶 / Butterfly
地图19 / Map 19 虼蚤 / Flea
地图20 / Map 20 虱子 / Louse
地图21 / Map 21 臭虫 / Bedbug
地图22 / Map 22 水蛭 / Leech
地图23 / Map 23 翅膀 / Wing
植物 / Plants
地图24 / Map 24 薯类:马铃薯和甘薯 / Tuberous Plants : Potato and Sweet potato
地图25 / Map 25 高粱 / Sorghum
地图26 / Map 26 玉米 / Sweet corn
地图27 / Map 27 大豆 / Soybean
地图28 / Map 28 小豆 / Red bean
地图29 / Map29 "大豆"和"小豆"的所指 / Referents of the forms "dadou" and "xiaodou"
地图30 / Map 30 蚕豆 / Broad bean
地图31 / Map 31 豌豆 / Pea
地图32 / Map 32 指蚕豆的"豌豆"和指豌豆的"蚕豆" / Reversal of the Referents between the forms for "Pea" and "broad bean"
肢体、疾病 / Body parts, Disease
地图33 / Map 33 胳膊 / Arm
地图34 / Map 34 肘 / Elbow
地图35 / Map 35 肩膀 / Shoulder
地图36 / Map 36 "膀"词族 / Word family "BANG"
地图37 / Map 37 踝子骨 / Ankle
地图38 / Map 38 "GUAI"词族 / Word family "GUAI"
地图39 / Map 39 腋 / Armpit
地图40 / Map 40 膝 / Knee
地图41 / Map 41 前缀的"圪" / Prefix *kɑk
地图42 / Map 42 肚脐 / Navel
地图43 / Map 43 疟疾 / Malaria
其他 / Others
地图44 / Map 44 厨房 / Kitchen
地图45 / Map 45 走 / To walk
地图46 / Map 46 跑 / To run
地图47 / Map 47 饮食动词 / Verbs for eating and drinking
图48 / Map 48 禽兽量词 / Animal classifiers
地图49 / Map 49 的 / Subordinate particle DE

地图与解说凡例 / Notes for Maps and Commentaries


English Notes.pdf

1. Natural Phenomena 自然现象

1. 太阳 / Sun

Author: Takashi Matsue 著者:松江 崇

Map 1 Sun.pdf

2. 月亮 / Moon

Author: Takashi Matsue 著者:松江 崇

Map 2 Moon.pdf

3. 冰雹 / Hail

Author: Ray Iwata 著者:岩田 礼

Map 3 Hail.pdf

2. Time concept 时间概念

All items for maps 4-15 are authored by Ray Iwata.

条目4至15的著者均为岩田 礼。

4. Morning / 早上, 5. Evening and Night / 晚上、夜里

Maps 4-5 Morning and Evening.pdf

6. Today / 今天

Maps 6 Today.pdf

7. Tomorrow / 明天, 8. Referents of the forms meaning 'morning' / <早上>义语词的所指

Maps 7 8 Tomorrow.pdf

9. Yesterday / 昨天 (2 maps), 10. Referents of the forms meaning 'night' / <夜>义语词的所指

Maps 9 10 Yesterday.pdf

11. The day after tomorrow / 后天, 12. Three days from now / 大后天 (2 maps)

Maps 11 12 The day after tomorrow Three days from now.pdf

13. The day before yesterday / 前天, 14. Three days ago / 大前天 (2 maps)

Maps 13 14 The day before yesterday Three days ago.pdf

15. 'Tian'(sky) and the suffix 'ge' / '天'与 '个'

Maps 15 Tian and ge.pdf

3. Animals and Insects 动物、昆虫

16. Picapica (magpie) / 喜鹊

Author: Yuko Kizu 著者:木津祐子

Map 16 Picapica (magpie).pdf

17. Snail / 蜗牛

Author: Takako Hashimoto 著者:橋本貴子

Map 17 Snail.pdf

18. Butterfly / 蝴蝶

Author: Ray Iwata 著者:岩田 礼

Map 18 Butterfly.pdf

19. Flea / 虼蚤 20. Louse / 虱子 21. Bedbug / 臭虫

Author: Kenji Yagi 著者:八木坚二

Maps 19-21 Flea Louse Bedbug.pdf

22. Leech / 水蛭

Author: Hiroki Nakanishi 著者:中西裕树

Map 22 Leech.pdf

23. Wing (of birds or insects) / 翅膀

Author: Ray Iwata 著者:岩田 礼

Map 23 Wing.pdf

4. Plants 植物

24. Potato / 马铃薯和甘薯

Author: Fumiki Suzuki 著者: 鈴木史己

Map 24 Potato.pdf

25. Sorghum / 高粱

Author: Fumiki Suzuki 著者: 鈴木史己

Map 25 Sorghum.pdf

26. Sweet corn / 玉米

Author: Fumiki Suzuki 著者: 鈴木史己

Map 26 Sweet Corn.pdf

27. Soybean / 大豆  28. Redbean / 小豆 29. Referents of the forms "dadou" and "xiaodou" / "大豆"和"小豆"的所指

Author: Yukinobu Murakami 著者: 村上之伸

Maps 27-29 Soybean Redbean.pdf

30. Broad bean / 蚕豆 31. Pea / 豌豆 32. Reversal of the referents / 所指的颠倒

Author: Yukinobu Murakami 著者: 村上之伸

Maps 30-32 Broad bean Pea.pdf

5. Body parts,Disease 肢体,疾病

33. 胳膊 / Arm

Author: Ray Iwata 著者:岩田 礼

Map 33 arm.pdf

34. 胳膊肘 / Elbow

Author: Ray Iwata 著者:岩田 礼

Map 34 elbow.pdf

35. 肩膀 / Shoulder

Author: Ray Iwata 著者:岩田 礼

Map 35 shoulder.pdf

36. "膀"词族 / Word family "bang"

Author: Ray Iwata 著者:岩田 礼

Map 36 Word family 'bang'.pdf

37. 踝子骨 / Ankle

Author: Ray Iwata 著者:岩田 礼

Map 37 Ankle.pdf

38. "拐"词族 / Word family "guai"

Author: Ray Iwata 著者:岩田 礼

Map 38 Word family 'guai'.pdf

39. 腋 / Armpit

Author: Ray Iwata 著者:岩田 礼

Map 39 Armpit.pdf

40. 膝盖 / Knee

Author: Ray Iwata 著者:岩田 礼

Map 40 Knee.pdf

41. 前缀的"圪" / Prefix "kɑk"

Author: Ray Iwata 著者:岩田 礼

Map 41 Prefix kak.pdf

42. 肚脐 / Navel

Author: Takashi Ueya 著者:植屋高史

Map 42 Navel.pdf

43. 疟疾 / Malaria

Author: Ray Iwata 著者:岩田 礼

Map 43 Malaria.pdf

6. Others 其他

44. Kitchen 厨房

Author: Xiaodong Huang and Ray Iwata 著者:黄晓东、岩田 礼

Map 44 Kitchen.pdf

45-46. Walk and Run 走、跑

Author: Natsuka MIki 著者:三木夏華

Map 45 Walk.pdf

Map 46 Run.pdf

47. Verbs for eating and drinking 饮食动词

Author: Yuzo Nakagawa 著者:中川裕三

Map 47 Verbs for eating and drinking.pdf

48. Classifiers 量词

Author: Yuzo Nakagawa 著者:中川裕三

Map 48 Classifiers.pdf

49. Subordinate particle DE 的

Author: Natsuka MIki 著者:三木夏華

Map 49 Subordinate particle DE.pdf

References / 引用论著

Reference 引用论著.pdf

Bibliography of major dialect materials / 主要参照方言资料目录

Bibliography of Dialect Materials 方言資料目録.pdf

Keywords Index / 关键词索引

Keywords index.pdf