第一, 每幅地图及解说的作者姓名。
第二, 原书的编者、书名、出版时间和出版社,即"岩田礼编《汉语方言解释地图(续集)》,2012年,好文出版,日本东京"。
Important Notice for readers
Linguistic maps and commentaries included in Ray Iwata ed. INTERPRETATIVE MAPS of CHINESE DIALECTS Volume Two are open to the public.
The original paper version volume was published in 2012 by Kobun Press, Inc., Tokyo, Japan. The copyrights is reserved by the publisher, editor, and all authors of this volume. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form for commercial purposes.
In addition to the preface and references, the original volume comprises maps and commentaries corresponding to 46 lexical items, each of which is authored by one or two authors.
Researchers who wish to download and use any specific map and/or commentary for academic purposes are required to specify the following information in their papers or presentations:
(1) Author's name, which is indicated at the head part of every map and its commentary.
(2) Bibliographic information of the original volume, i.e. Ray Iwata ed. INTERPRETATIVE MAPS of CHINESE DIALECTS Volume Two, 2012, Kobun Press, Tokyo, Japan.
Any data processing is prohibited in reprinting the original maps.
著者执笔分担 / Authors and their contributions
岩田 礼 / Ray Iwata: 地图1-19 / Maps 1-19, 地图25-29 / Maps 25-28, 地图38 / Map 38, 地图41-43 / Maps 41-43
木津祐子 / Yuko Kizu: 地图20 / Map 20
中西裕树 / Hiroki Nakanishi: 地图39-40 / Maps 39-40
王 莉宁 / Lining Wang: 地图23-24 / Maps 23-24, 地图32 / Map 32
张 勇生 / Yongsheng Zhang: 地图35-36 / Maps 35-36
支 建刚 / Jiangang Zhi: 地图21-22 / Maps 21-22
刘 艳 / Yan Liu: 地图29 / Map 29
山本恭子 / Kyoko Yamamoto: 地图44-46 / Maps 44-46
金 湘斌 / Hsiangpin Chin: 地图37 / Map 37
八木堅二 / Kenji Yagi: 地图30-31 / Maps 30-31
鈴木史己 / Fumiki Suzuki: 地图33-34 / Maps 33-34
目录 / Table of Contents
*条目名后的数字表示原书的页数 / The number following the item name indicates the page number of original paper version.
前言 iii
Preface vii
地图和解说 / Maps and Commentaries
凡例 2
Notes 4
亲属称谓 / Kinship terms
地图1 / Map 1 父系长辈亲属称谓系统/ Patrilineal kinship system for elders 8
地图2 / Map 2 父亲/ Father 14
地图3 / Map 3 伯父/ Father's elder brother 16
地图4 / Map 4 叔父/ Father's younger brother 18
地图5 / Map 5 "爷"的所指/ Referents of the stem "ye" 20
地图6 / Map 6 祖父/ Paternal grandfather
地图7 / Map 7 外祖父/ Maternal grandfather 22
地图8 / Map 8 祖母/ Paternal grandmother
地图9 / Map 9 外祖母/ Maternal grandmother 26
地图10 / Map 10 前置成份"阿"和"家" / Prepositional components "a" and "jia" 30
地图11 / Map 11 母亲/ Mother 32
地图12 / Map 12 伯母/ Wife of father's elder brother 34
地图13 / Map 13 叔母/ Wife of father's younger brother 36
地图14 / Map 14 姑母/ Father's sister 38
地图15 / Map 15 姨母 / Mother's sister 40
地图16 / Map 16 "娘"的所指/ Referents of the stem "niang" 42
地图17 / Map 17 舅父/ Mother's brother 44
肢体名称 / Body parts
地图18 / Map 18 额/ Forehead 48
地图19 / Map 19 睫毛/ Eyelash 52
动物、昆虫 / Animals and Insects
地图20 / Map 20 麻雀/ Sparrow 56
地图21 / Map 21 鸽子/ Pigeon 60
地图22 / Map 22 布谷鸟/ Cuckoo 62
地图23 / Map 23 老鼠/ Mouse 64
地图24 / Map 24 蛇/ Snake 67
地图25 / Map 25 壁虎/ Gecko 70
地图26 / Map 26 壁虎、蝙蝠、蚂蚁和蜥蜴/ Gecko, bat, ant and lizard 74
地图27 / Map 27 蜘蛛/ Spider 77
地图28 / Map 28 蜻蜓/ Dragonfly 80
地图29 / Map 29 蝉/ Cicada 84
地图30 / Map 30 蚊子/ Mosquito 88
地图31 / Map 31 苍蝇/ Fly 90
地图32 / Map 32 蜜蜂和蜂蜜 / Honeybee and Honey 94
植物 / Plants
地图33 / Map 33 西红柿/ Tomato 102
地图34 / Map 34 结球甘蓝/ Cabbage 108
日常生活/ Daily life
地图35 / Map 35 早饭/ Breakfast 114
地图36 / Map 36 晚饭/ Evening meal 118
地图37 / Map 37 自行车/ Bicycle 121
地图38 / Map 38 "房"和"屋"的类型/ Typology of 'House' and 'Room' 124
代词 / Pronouns
地图39 / Map 39 谁/ Who 128
地图40 / Map 40 什么/ What 133
动词 / Verbs
地图41 / Map 41 下雨/ to rain 138
地图42 / Map 42 知道/ to know 140
音韵 / Phonetics and Phonology
地图43 / Map 43 舌齿塞嚓音/ Sibilant initials 144
民俗 / Folklore
地图44 / Map 44 丧葬习俗(1)"穿寿衣" / Funeral ritual (1) "Wearing a burial garment" 150
地图45 / Map 45 丧葬习俗(2)"买水" / Funeral ritual (2) "Purchasing water (for the dead)" 152
地图46 / Map 46 丧葬习俗(3)"净面" / Funeral ritual (3) "Cleaning the face (of the dead)" 154
引用文献、方言及民俗资料 / References, Dialect & Folklore Materials
引用论著 / References 158
主要参照方言资料目录(补遗)、民俗资料 / Bibliography of major dialect (Supplement), Folklore materilas 160
关键词索引 / Keywords index 163
前言 / Preface
地图与解说/ Maps and Commentaries
亲属称谓 / Kinship terms
条目1至17的著者均为岩田 礼 / All items for maps 1-17 are authored by Ray Iwata.
Map 1 父系长辈亲属称谓系统 / Patrilineal kinship system for elders
Map 1 父系长辈亲属称谓系统 Patrilineal kinship system for elders.pdf
Map 2 父亲 / Father, Map 3 伯父 / Father's elder brother, Map 4 叔父 / Father's younger brother, Map 5 "爷"的所指 / Referents of the stem "ye"
Maps 2-5 Father Father's brother etc 父亲 伯父 叔父 etc.pdf
Maps 6 & 7 祖父/Paternal grandfather & 外祖父/Maternal grandfather
Maps 6-7 Grandfather 祖父外祖父.pdf
Map 8 祖母 / Paternal grandmother, Map 9 外祖母 / Maternal grandmother, Map 10 前置成分"阿"和"家" / Prepositional components "a" and "jia"
Maps 8-10 Grandmother etc 祖母外祖母 前置成分.pdf
Map 11 母亲 / Mother, Map 12 伯母 / Wife of father's elder brother, Map 13 叔母 / Wife of father's younger brother, Map 14 姑母 / Father's sister
Maps 11-14 Mother Wife of father's brother Father's sister 母亲伯母叔母姑母.pdf
Map 15 姨母 / Mother's sister, Map 16 "娘"的所指 / Referents of the stem "娘", Map 17 舅父 / Mother's brother
Maps 15-17 Mother's sister Mother' brother etc 姨母舅父etc.pdf
肢体名称 / Body parts
Map 18 额 / Forehead, Map 19 睫毛 / Eyelash
著者: 岩田礼 / Author: Ray Iwata
Maps 18-19 Body terms 肢体名称.pdf
动物、昆虫 / Animals and Insects
Map 20 麻雀(和喜鹊) / Sparrow (and Pica pica)>
著者:木津祐子 / Author: Yuko Kizu
Map 20 Sparrow (and Pica pica) 麻雀(和喜鹊).pdf
Map 21 鸽子 / Pigeon, Map22 布谷鸟 / Cuckoo
著者:支建刚 / Author: Jiangang Zhi
Maps 21 22 Pigeon Cuckoo 鸽子 布谷鸟.pdf
Map 23 老鼠 / Mouse, Map 24 蛇 / Snake
著者:王莉宁 / Author: Lining Wang
Maps 23 24 Mouse Snake 老鼠 蛇.pdf
Map 25 壁虎 / Gecko, Map 26 语音牵引 / Phonetic attraction
著者:岩田礼 / Author: Ray Iwata
Maps 25 26 Gecko Phonetic attraction 壁虎 语音牵引.pdf
Map 27 蜘蛛 / Spider, Map 28 蜻蜓 / Dragonfly
著者:岩田礼 / Author: Ray Iwata
Maps 27 28 Spider Dragonfly 蜘蛛 蜻蜓.pdf
Map 29 蝉 / Cicada
著者:刘艳和岩田礼 / Authors: Yan Liu & Ray Iwata
Map 30 蚊子 / Mosquito, Map 31 苍蝇 / Fly
著者:八木坚二 / Author: Kenji Yagi
Maps 30 31 Mosquito Fly 蚊子 苍蝇.pdf
Map 32 蜜蜂和蜂蜜 / Honey bee and Honey
著者:王莉宁 / Author: Lining Wang
Maps 32 33 Honeybee and Honey 蜜蜂和蜂蜜.pdf
植物 / Plants
著者:铃木史己 / Author: Fumiki Suzuki
Map 33 西红柿 / Tomato
Map 34 结球甘蓝 / Cabbage
日常生活/ Daily life
Map 35 早饭 / breakfast, Map 36 晚饭 / Eveing meals
著者: 张勇生和岩田礼 / Authors: Yongsheng Zhang & Ray Iwata
Maps 35-36 Breakfast and Supper 早饭和晚饭.pdf
Map 37 自行车 / bicycle
著者: 金湘斌 / Author: Hsiangpin Chin
Map 38 "房"和"屋"的类型 / Typology of "house" and "room"
著者: 岩田礼 / Authors: Ray Iwata
Maps 37-38 Bicycle House and Room 自行车 房屋.pdf
代词 / Pronouns
著者:中西裕树 / Author: Hiroki Nakanishi
Map 39 谁 / who, Map 40 什么 / what
动词 / Verbs
著者:岩田礼 / Author: Ray Iwata
Map 41 下雨 / To rain, Map 42 知道 / To know
Maps 41-42 To rain To know 下雨 知道.pdf
舌齿塞擦音及擦音声母的体系 / Sibilant Initials system, 卷舌音声母 / Retroflex initials
著者: 岩田礼 / Author: Ray Iwata
Map 43 Sibilant initials 舌齿塞擦音.pdf
丧葬习俗 / Funeral rituals
著者:山本恭子 / Author: Kyoko Yamamoto
Map 44 穿寿衣 / Wearing a burial garment, Map 45 买水 / Purchasing water (for the dead). Map46 净面 / Cleaning the face (of the dead)
Maps 44-46 Funeral ritual 丧葬习俗.pdf